Results for 'A. Twenty-Year Retrospective'

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    Philosophy of Medicine and Bioethics.A. Twenty-Year Retrospective - 2002 - Philosophy 50.
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    Philosophy of Medicine and Bioethics: A Twenty-Year Retrospective and Critical Appraisal.Ronald A. Carson & C. R. Burns (eds.) - 1997 - Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Papers presented at a symposium on philosophy and medicine at the Institute for the Medical Humanities at the University of Texas Medical Branch in 1974 were published in the inaugural volume of this series.
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    A Twenty Year Retrospective Index for the Journal of the Philosophy of Sport.Klaus V. Meier & Angela J. Pearson - 1993 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 20 (1):125-145.
  4. Book Reviews-Philosophy of Medicine and Bioethics: A Twenty-Year Retrospective and Critical Appraisal.Ronald A. Carson, Chester R. Burns & Merle Spriggs - 2000 - Bioethics 14 (2):175-177.
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    Reach Without Grasping: A Retrospective Appreciation of Anne Carson's Eros the Bittersweet.Louis A. Ruprecht Jr - 2019 - Arion 27 (2):137-168.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reach Without Grasping: A Retrospective Appreciation of Anne Carson’s Eros the Bittersweet LOUIS A. RUPRECHT JR. Everything I know about love and its necessities I learned in that one moment when I found myself thrusting my little burning red backside like a baboon at a man who no longer cherished me. There was no area of my mind not appalled by this action, no part of my body (...)
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    Origins and Implications of Autopoiesis. Preface to the Second Edition of De Maquinas y Seres Vivos Autopoiesis.H. Maturana, A. Paucar-Caceres & R. Harnden - 2011 - Constructivist Foundations 6 (3):293-306.
    Context: In 1974, Humberto Maturana and Francisco Varela published De Máquinas y Seres Vivos Autopoiesis: La organización de lo vivo in Santiago, Chile as a little book. A second edition of this publication was proposed in 1994, and the present document is a recent translation of Maturana’s reflections “twenty years after.” Problem: The book clearly enunciates what it means to say that living systems are molecular autopoietic systems, and this Preface reflects on the shift of understanding from earlier notions (...)
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    The Stories We Share: Learnings from a Hundred Years of the Three Communities.Ben Mylius - 2023 - Political Theory 51 (1):178-189.
    This essay is part of a special issue celebrating 50 years of Political Theory. The ambition of the editors was to mark this half century not with a retrospective but with a confabulation of futures. Contributors were asked: What will political theory look and sound like in the next century and beyond? What claims might political theorists or their descendants be making in ten, twenty-five, fifty, a hundred years’ time? How might they vindicate those claims in their future (...)
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  8. A two-year retrospective study of accidental pediatric albuterol ingestions.T. O. Tan, Mason El & S. L. Kaplan Jr - 1993 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 48:401.
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    Correspondence.Iii A. Fergus Kastle-Michaelson & Eunice Westlund - 2023 - Political Theory 51 (1):237-240.
    This essay is part of a special issue celebrating 50 years of Political Theory. The ambition of the editors was to mark this half century not with a retrospective but with a confabulation of futures. Contributors were asked: What will political theory look and sound like in the next century and beyond? What claims might political theorists or their descendants be making in ten, twenty-five, fifty, a hundred years’ time? How might they vindicate those claims in their future (...)
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  10. How to Teach Engineering Ethics?: A Retrospective and Prospective Sketch of TU Delft’s Approach to Engineering Ethics Education.J. B. van Grunsven, L. Marin, T. W. Stone, S. Roeser & N. Doorn - 2021 - Advances in Engineering Education 9 (4).
    This paper provides a retrospective and prospective overview of TU Delft’s approach to engineering ethics education. For over twenty years, the Ethics and Philosophy of Technology Section at TU Delft has been at the forefront of engineering ethics education, offering education to a wide range of engineering and design students. The approach developed at TU Delft is deeply informed by the research of the Section, which is centered around Responsible Research and Innovation, Design for Values, and Risk Ethics. (...)
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    Twenty-First-Century Political Theory: A Balance.Humberto Beck - 2023 - Political Theory 51 (1):18-26.
    This essay is part of a special issue celebrating 50 years of Political Theory. The ambition of the editors was to mark this half century not with a retrospective but with a confabulation of futures. Contributors were asked: What will political theory look and sound like in the next century and beyond? What claims might political theorists or their descendants be making in ten, twenty-five, fifty, a hundred years’ time? How might they vindicate those claims in their future (...)
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    On Deriving an Ought from an Is: A Retrospective Look.Kai Nielsen - 1979 - Review of Metaphysics 32 (3):487 - 514.
    ARGUMENT ABOUT whether in any significant sense we can derive an ought from an is has been persistent and intractable. Fifteen to twenty years ago it was orthodoxy in analytical philosophical circles to claim that for all their other differences Hume and Moore were right in agreeing that in no significant sense can we derive an ought from an is. At present there is no orthodoxy or even anything like a dominant view and, given our current understanding of how (...)
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    A Recovered Script: Political Theory in the Year 2422.Rebecca LeMoine - 2023 - Political Theory 51 (1):134-145.
    This essay is part of a special issue celebrating 50 years of Political Theory. The ambition of the editors was to mark this half century not with a retrospective but with a confabulation of futures. Contributors were asked: What will political theory look and sound like in the next century and beyond? What claims might political theorists or their descendants be making in ten, twenty-five, fifty, a hundred years’ time? How might they vindicate those claims in their future (...)
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  14. Two Dogmas in Retrospect.Willard van Orman Quine - 1991 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 21 (3):265 - 274.
    In retrospecting "Two Dogmas" I find myself overshooting by twenty years. I think back to college days, 61 years agao. I majored in mathematics and was doing my honors reading in mathematical logic, a subject that had not yet penetrated the Oberlin curriculum. My new love, in the platonic sense, was Whitehead and Russell's Principia Mathematica.
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    Computer ethics textbooks: a thirty-year retrospective.Herman T. Tavani - 1999 - Acm Sigcas Computers and Society 29 (3):26-31.
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    A Fifty-Year Retrospective in Philosophy.John E. Smith - 1981 - International Philosophical Quarterly 21 (2):123-132.
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  17. Accepting the Povinelli-Henley challenge.Nancy Salay - 2022 - Animal Behavior and Cognition 9 (2):239-256.
    In the recent twenty-year retrospective issue of Animal Behavior and Cognition, Povinelli and Henley (2020) argue that a host of comparative studies into “complex cognition” suffer, fatally, from a theoretical confusion. To rectify the problem, they issue the following challenge: alongside specifications of the higher-order capacity to be tested, provide hypotheses of the mechanism(s) necessary to implement it. They spearhead this effort with a discussion of how the Relational Reinterpretation Hypothesis (RRH) provides just such an account. In (...)
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    A Retrospective on Sociobiology.Michael Cavanaugh - 2000 - Zygon 35 (4):813-826.
    Zygon has been discussing the implications of sociobiology for twenty‐five years, ever since E. O. Wilson's book by that name first burst upon the stage. In the course of that discussion there have been many heated exchanges, but in this journal, at least, the heat has also generated light. Thus it is now timely and useful to review and consolidate Zygon's approach to the sociobiology construct, not only as it was originally presented but as it has changed over time. (...)
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    Twenty Years’ Development of Teacher Identity Research: A Bibliometric Analysis.Yunyun Zhang & Ping Wang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This study aims to demonstrate a detailed knowledge map of teacher identity research via a 20-year data set from the Web of Science database. A bibliometric analysis was employed for analyzing the articles published between 2001 and 2021 to show the status of teacher identity research in the past 20 years, research topics on teacher identity, and future research directions. Using the keyword “teacher identity” and filtering data by selecting articles and early access in teaching and education, 848 articles (...)
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  20.  24
    My Retrospective and Prospective Musings on the Evangelical Philosophical Society.J. P. Moreland - 2019 - Philosophia Christi 21 (1):7-10.
    This article reflects on three issues: the past twenty years of the Evangelical Philosophical Society, ideas for EPS's future, and some words of advice to my younger EPS colleagues. Regarding, I identify four values that were central to the rebirth of the EPS and that have guided us for twenty years. Regarding, I issue a warning and a challenge. Regarding, I provide three words of advice for keeping us on course.
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    Say‐On‐Pay Voting: A Five‐Year Retrospective.Thomas A. Hemphill - 2019 - Business and Society Review 124 (1):63-71.
    The Dodd‐Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, signed into law by President Obama in July 2010, included two significant corporate governance mandates: “say‐on‐pay” shareholder voting and the frequency of such votes among all publicly traded companies. The say‐on‐pay rule requires publicly traded companies subject to proxy rules to offer their shareholders an advisory, or nonbinding, vote at least once every three years on the compensation packages of the most highly compensated executives. The actual data for the first five (...)
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    Aestheticizing Google critique: A 20-year retrospective.Richard Rogers - 2018 - Big Data and Society 5 (1).
    With Google marking its 20th year online, the piece provides a retrospective of cultural commentary and select works of Google art that have transformed the search engine into an object of critical interest. Taken up are artistic and cultural responses to Google by independent artists but also by cultural critics and technology writers, including the development of such evocative notions as the deep web, flickering man and filter bubble. Among the critiques that have taken shape in the works (...)
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    Complete digital amputations undergoing replantation surgery: a 10-year retrospective study.Ryan M. Neinstein, Linda T. Dvali, Suzanne Le & D. J. Anastakis - 2012 - In Zdravko Radman (ed.), The Hand. MIT Press. pp. 263-266.
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  24. Twenty years later... the narrative for Black women remains the same, or does it?Reitumetse O. Mabokela & Yeukai A. Mlambo - 2023 - In Christa J. Porter, V. Thandi Sulé & Natasha N. Croom (eds.), Black feminist epistemology, research, and praxis: narratives in and through the academy. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  25. Twenty years later... the narrative for Black women remains the same, or does it?Reitumetse O. Mabokela & Yeukai A. Mlambo - 2023 - In Christa J. Porter, V. Thandi Sulé & Natasha N. Croom (eds.), Black feminist epistemology, research, and praxis: narratives in and through the academy. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Twenty Years Since Women and Madness: Toward a Feminist Institute of Mental Health and Healing.Phyllis Chesler - 1990 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 11 (3-4):313-322.
    This article reviews the development of a feminist analysis of female and male psychology from 1970 to 1990; the acceptance, rejection or indifference to feminist theory and practice by women in general and by female patients and mental health practitioners in specific. The article describes what feminist therapy ideally is and discusses the need for a Feminist Institute of Mental Health.
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    A Study in Contrasts: Eligibility Criteria in a Twenty-Year Sample of NSABP and POG Clinical Trials.Abraham Fuks, Charles Weijer, Benjamin Freedman, Stanley Shapiro, Myriam Skrutkowska & Amina Riaz - unknown
    We studied changes in eligibility criteria--the largest impediment to patient accrual--in two samples of clinical trials. Trials from the NSABP (National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Program) and POG (Pediatric Oncology Group) were analyzed. After eliminating duplications, the criteria in each protocol were enumerated and classified according to a novel schema. NSABP trials contained significantly more criteria than POG trials, and added precision criteria (making study populations homogeneous) at a faster rate than POG studies. The difference between NSABP studies (explanatory (...)
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    Twenty years of value sensitive design: a review of methodological practices in VSD projects. [REVIEW]Till Winkler & Sarah Spiekermann - 2018 - Ethics and Information Technology 23 (1):17-21.
    This article reviews the academic literature that emerged under value sensitive design. It investigates those VSD projects that employed the tripartite methodology, examining the use of VSD methodological elements, and illustrating common practices and identifying shortcomings. The article provides advice for VSD researchers on how to complete and enhance their methodological approach as the research community moves forward.
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    Extraversion and compatibilist intuitions: a ten-year retrospective and meta-analyses.Adam Feltz & Edward Cokely - 2019 - Philosophical Psychology 32 (3):388-403.
    The past ten years have seen multiple attempts to estimate the relation between the global personality trait extraversion and compatibilist free will judgments. Here, we contribute to that line of research by conducting a meta-analysis of 17 published and eight unpublished studies (N = 2,811) estimating that relation. Overall, the mean effect size was modest but remarkably robust across materials, locations, and labs (z =.19, 95% CI.15-.24, p <.001). No significant publication bias was detected in the studies (t (23) = (...)
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    A Political Theory for a Multispecies, Climate-Challenged World: 2050.Danielle Celermajer, David Schlosberg, Dinesh Wadiwel & Christine Winter - 2023 - Political Theory 51 (1):39-53.
    This essay is part of a special issue celebrating 50 years of Political Theory. The ambition of the editors was to mark this half century not with a retrospective but with a confabulation of futures. Contributors were asked: What will political theory look and sound like in the next century and beyond? What claims might political theorists or their descendants be making in ten, twenty-five, fifty, a hundred years’ time? How might they vindicate those claims in their future (...)
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    What We Learned From the Oil Crisis of 1973: A 30-Year Retrospective.John L. Roeder - 2005 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 25 (2):166-169.
    Thirty years ago, the Arab Oil Embargo caused us to stop taking gasoline for granted and caused the author to start teaching students about the importance of energy in our lives. This retrospective shows the same general patterns discerned from a 20-year retrospective a decade ago: a sharp decrease in energy use following each of the two energy crises of the 1970s and a decline in the rate at which energy use increased in the years following. Yet (...)
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    Sex differences in human brain asymmetry: a critical survey.Jeannette McGlone - 1980 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3 (2):215-227.
    Dual functional brain asymmetry refers to the notion that in most individuals the left cerebral hemisphere is specialized for language functions, whereas the right cerebral hemisphere is more important than the left for the perception, construction, and recall of stimuli that are difficult to verbalize. In the last twenty years there have been scattered reports of sex differences in degree of hemispheric specialization. This review provides a critical framework within which two related topics are discussed: Do meaningful sex differences (...)
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    Twenty Years After Communism: The Politics of Memory and Commemoration.Michael H. Bernhard & Jan Kubik (eds.) - 2014 - Oup Usa.
    Twenty Years After Communism is concerned with the explosion of a politics of memory triggered by the fall of state socialism in Eastern Europe, and it takes a comparative look at the ways that communism and its demise have been commemorated by major political actors across the region.
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    The movement for reforming american business ethics: A twenty-year perspective. [REVIEW]Simcha B. Werner - 1992 - Journal of Business Ethics 11 (1):61-70.
    This paper presents a succinct review of the movement for moral genesis in business that arose in the 1970s. The moral genesis movement is characterized by: the rejection of the premise that business and ethics are antagonistic; the rise of the Issues Management approach, which stresses the social responsibility of the corporation: disdain of government regulation as a means of business moralization, and a search for control measures aimed at improving organization moral behavior. This movement now begins to give rise (...)
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    Twenty Years of Poland's Euro-Atlantic Foreign Policy.Ryszard Zięba - 2011 - International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal 13 (1):27-39.
    Twenty Years of Poland's Euro-Atlantic Foreign Policy During the years 1989-1991, after a deep transformation of the internal system and the international order in Europe, Poland pursued a sovereign foreign policy. The new policy had the following general goals: 1) to develop a new international security system which would guarantee Poland's national security; 2) to gain diplomatic support for the reforms conducted in Poland, including primarily the transformation of the economy and its adaption to free market mechanisms, which were (...)
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    Foxfire Reconsidered: A TwentyYear Experiment in Progressive Education.Paul Theobald - 1990 - Educational Theory 40 (2):249-254.
  37.  17
    Libertarianism: A Fifty-Year Personal Retrospective.Mark Thornton - 2020 - Studia Humana 9 (2):100-109.
    This retrospective, covering half a century, is a personal history of modern libertarianism. It provides some historical perspective on the growth of libertarianism and its impact on society, especially for those who were born into an existing libertarian movement, including political and academic paths. As outsiders, Austrians and libertarians can expect more than their share of difficult times and roadblocks, although that situation has improved over time. It also shows the limitations of the political path to liberty and the (...)
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    Withdrawal of treatment in a pediatric intensive care unit at a Children’s Hospital in China: a 10-year retrospective study.Huaqing Liu, Dongni Su, Xubei Guo, Yunhong Dai, Xingqiang Dong, Qiujiao Zhu, Zhenjiang Bai, Ying Li & Shuiyan Wu - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-9.
    BackgroundPublished data and practice recommendations on end-of-life care generally reflect Western practice frameworks; there are limited data on withdrawal of treatment for children in China.MethodsWithdrawal of treatment for children in the pediatric intensive care unit of a regional children’s hospital in eastern China from 2006 to 2017 was studied retrospectively. Withdrawal of treatment was categorized as medical withdrawal or premature withdrawal. The guardian’s self-reported reasons for abandoning the child’s treatment were recorded from 2011.ResultsThe incidence of withdrawal of treatment for children (...)
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    Twenty Years a-Growing.Maurice O'Sullivan - 1983 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Maurice O'Sullivan was born on the Great Blasket in 1904, and Twenty Years A-Growing tells the story of his youth and of a way of life which belonged to the Middle Ages. He wrote for his own pleasure and for the entertainment of his friends, without any thought of a wider public; his style is derived from folk-tales which he heard from his grandfather and sharpened by his own lively imagination.
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  40. The'Clausula de unctione Pippini regis', twenty years later.A. J. Stoclet - 2000 - Revue Belge de Philologie Et D’Histoire 78 (3-4):719-771.
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    Twenty years of teaching ethics in medicine: necessity of a renewed discussion about teaching goals and curricula.Monika Bobbert - 2013 - Ethik in der Medizin 25 (4):287-300.
    Seit 2003 ist neben Medizingeschichte und -theorie Medizinethik Bestandteil des Pflichtstudiencurriculums (Querschnittsbereich GTE). Zuvor, seit Ende der 80er Jahre, hatte es an vielen medizinischen Fakultäten optionale Veranstaltungen zur Medizinethik gegeben. Die Analyse von Veröffentlichungen zur Didaktik der Medizinethik und von Unterrichtscurricula zeigt, dass einem relativ geringen Stundenkontingent anspruchsvolle kognitive, emotionale und handlungsorientierte Lehrziele gegenüberstehen. Offenbar wird von der Medizinethik praxisbezogene Problemlösungskompetenz erwartet. Zugleich zeigt sich, dass die Vorbereitung der Studierenden auf schwierige moralische Entscheidungen nach wie vor ein Desiderat darstellt. Angesichts (...)
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    Islam and Human Rights: A 50 Year Retrospective.Emran Qureshi & Nader Hashemi - 2022 - Muslim World Journal of Human Rights 19 (1):1-18.
    The debate on Islam and human rights is roughly 50 years old. During this time a vast literature has been produced analyzing the relationship between the religion of Islam, Muslims societies and international human rights norms. What have we learned during this time that can further an understanding of this topic among students, scholars and members of the general public? What analytical framework is optimal? Is the crisis of human rights in Muslims societies a function of internal conditions, external factors (...)
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    Economics and the environment: A "land ethic" critique of economic policy. [REVIEW]Bill Shaw - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 33 (1):51 - 57.
    This paper is a twenty-five year retrospective on the development of environmental consciousness in the US The Clean Air Act is taken as proxy for companion measures in water and other areas of the environment, and the emphasis on "efficiency" and "market compatibility" is noted with a mixture of caution and hope. The work of an eminent pragmatic ethicist, Ado Leopard, is re-visited. From the pages of A Sand County Almanac, his notion that right and wrong, good (...)
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    Twenty years of cognitive dissonance: Case study of the evolution of a theory.Anthony G. Greenwald & David L. Ronis - 1978 - Psychological Review 85 (1):53-57.
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  45. Miracles, Evidence, Evil, and God: A Twenty-Year Debate.Christine Overall - 2006 - Dialogue 45 (2):355-366.
    This paper is the latest in a debate with Robert Larmer as to whether the occurrence of a miracle would provide evidence for the existence of God or against the existence of God. Whereas Larmer’s view is categorical (miracles occur and are evidence for the existence of God), mine is hypothetical (if the events typically described as miracles were to occur -- although I do not believe they do -- they would be evidence against the existence of God). The reason (...)
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    Twenty years of european business ethics – past developments and future concerns.Luc van Liedekerke & Wim Dubbink - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 82 (2):273-280.
    Over the past 20 years business ethics in Europe witnessed a remarkable growth. Today business ethics is faced with two challenges. The first comes from the social sciences and consultants who have both reclaimed the topics of business ethics, regretfully often at the loss of the proper ethical perspective. The second comes from the remarkable rise of corporate social responsibility which has pushed aside the mainstream business ethics methodology with its emphasis on moral deliberation by the individual. These challenges can (...)
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  47. Twenty Years of Interpreting Centesimus Annus On The Economy.Matthew A. Shadle - 2012 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 9 (1):171-191.
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    The Origins and Consequences of Patient Autonomy: A 25-Year Retrospective[REVIEW]David J. Rothman - 2001 - Health Care Analysis 9 (3):255-264.
    This essay explores the evolution of the tension between the principles of autonomy and beneficence in American health care over the past several decades. In retrospect it is clear that the social movements of the 1960s and 70s set the tone and the goals for the emergence of a new emphasis on patient autonomy. Indeed, the impact of civil liberties-minded lawyers on the promotion of a commitment to autonomy is far more vital than the term “bioethics” commonly suggests. Tracing the (...)
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    A Pluralistic Universe in Twenty Years.Marilyn Fischer - 2016 - The Pluralist 11 (1):1-18.
    placed side by side, james’s A Pluralistic Universe and Addams’s Twenty Years at Hull-House seem to have little in common. James’s critique of absolute idealism is written for intellectuals comfortable with philosophical abstractions. Twenty Years is full of stories about the lives of poor people and immigrants. Yet, sometime after April 1909, when A Pluralistic Universe appeared, and before November 1910, when Twenty Years was published, Addams inserted a few telling quotations into her manuscript. I will give (...)
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    Reflections on the first twenty years ofcasiras: A personal review.Malcolm R. Sutherland - 1987 - Zygon 22 (s1):20-27.
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